Ng Kok Wah (Addy)
Chief Financial Officer

Working experience and occupation
Mr. Ng Kok Wah started his career with a small accounting firm since year 1998 followed by an international medium accounting firm Morison Anuarul Azizan Chew & Co. as audit manager till year 2004 where he was responsible for handling various audit and non-audit assignments of government and private sector for both listed and non-listed companies involved in a wide range of business activities including timber, plantations, constructions and financial institutions like bank and insurance company. He is also a Licensed Financial Adviser (FA) granted by Capital Market Services Representative License (CMSRL) under Capital Markets & Services Act 2007, Securities Commissioner (SC) Malaysia and presently involve in providing financial planning services such as wealth accumulation through investment, wealth preservation through tax planning & insurance/healthcare products planning and wealth distribution through will and trust, etc. He has more than 18 years experience in this industry